Book Club
The book club will meet in the home of Mona Benz on March 3. Martha DiCiccio will lead a discussion of Rough Sleepers by Tracy Kidder. Email Mona if you plan on attending.
Great Decisions
Great Decisions meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 10 am to 12 pm in the Mt. Dunraven room at the Loveland Public Library to discuss American foreign policy.
Great Decisions is a nonpartisan foreign policy discussion group. On March 12 the group will discuss U.S. Changing Leadership in the World’s Economy.
Hiking Group
The February 25th hike/adventure will begin at Lee Martinez Park in north Fort Collins and walk the Poudre River Trail. Lunch at the FoCo Cafe will be included for those interested.
Meet at 9:30 the south entrance of Mehaffey Park (off 22nd Street) to carpool. Please contact Jan Witt with any questions or to RSVP so she can plan accordingly.
Coffee, Crafts, & Conversation
This group meets at 1:30 on the 3rd Monday at Claudia Ward’s home, 615 W. 3rd St., Loveland. All are welcome – no craftiness necessary. Contact Claudia Ward for details.